It was a great delight to welcome back Professor Clifford Jones to the Community on Sunday 17 February for the official launch of his latest publication, Numerical Examples in Fuels and Energy. Clifford was adjunct professor of engineering at Federation University, Australia and had been Reader at Aberdeen University prior to that, specializing in combustion. He was a student of the Hostel of the Resurrection in the early 1970s when our late brother Roy CR was bursar there. The book is dedicated to Roy’s memory.

It was good to welcome Clifford’s colleagues, friends of the Community and Br Roy CR’s family to this occasion, during which Clifford spoke movingly of his association with the Community, as well as giving examples from previous publications and excerpts from the current book to inform us of his life and work. We thank Clifford warmly for his dedication to Roy and are pleased by the number who came to support the event. Numerical Examples in Fuels and Energy is available to download as an e-book via






Br Marc CR