We are deeply grateful to our friends and well-wishers – individuals, parishes, charities, groups and others – whose support sustains and enhances our ministry. We hope that you will be prepared to support our CR Future campaign, which seeks to transform the way in which we can welcome guests to Mirfield. If you would like to discuss ways in which you can make a gift to the campaign, please contact our Campaign Office.
Making a Regular Gift
Planned monthly giving enables budgeting for the future, and spreading giving over a period of time can be less ‘painful’! If you would like to make a regular gift, please complete this Standing Order form, and return it to the Bursary.
As an example, a gift of £30 each month over a period of five years would, after claiming Gift Aid, have a total value of £2,250 to the Community.
Making a One-Off Gift
If you would like to make a one-off gift, you may wish to use CAF Donate – a simple online process.
If you would rather send a cheque, please use this form, which includes a Gift Aid declaration.
If you are a taxpayer and complete this, we will be able to claim an extra 25p from HMRC for every £1 you give.Gift Aid offers additional benefits to higher and additional rate taxpayers.
A Gift in Your Will
Over time, both Community and College have benefited greatly from legacies, strengthening our ministry and mission at Mirfield and beyond. If you would like to consider leaving a gift in your will, please read more here.
Dedicated Gifts
We are pleased to work with donors to find ways to recognise significant gifts to the Community, as well as identifying specific items with which a gift can be associated. For more information, please contact the Campaign Office.
Gifts from Overseas
We are supported by the American Fund for Charities – a 501 (c)(3) US tax-exempt nonprofit organisation, which enables US taxpayers to make tax-efficient gifts to the Community.
Gifts of Shares, Securities & Property
Giving shares, securities or property can be tax-efficient, and can make a significant difference to the Community. If you would like to know more, please contact the Bursar.
Support CR while you Shop!
And finally… we are registered with both Smile Amazon and easyfundraising, both online resources which enable you to support the Community while buying online.
If you would like to learn more – or to start shopping(!), please visit the Smile Amazon or easyfundraising websites.
Visit or Stay
We welcome you to come to CR and to share in our life. Some come regularly to talk with a brother, others spend a day or two experiencing this very different environment. Individuals and groups come on retreat and pilgrimage, share in the teaching and courses we offer and join us in worship and meals.