Dear Friends and Companions,
I hope that you have all enjoyed a Christmas full of blessings and that the New Year will bring joy to you and through you to everyone that you know.I am using this chaplain’s letter to flag up reminders of a few of the many super events that will take place at Mirfield in 2019.
Walsingham Pilgrimage 2019, June 7th – 10th
I have now received the booking forms for the Companion’s Pilgrimage. This is always a very enjoyable event and a great experience of the meaning of the Incarnation. We have been allocated a limited number of places and there are eleven still to be filled so if you are interested please contact me as I need to have booking forms returned by 15th February.
The cost is £199.45 with a required deposit of £30.00 on booking.
Booking forms can be had from : Fr John Gribben CR, House of the Resurrection, Stocksbank Road, Mirfield, WF14 0BN.
Don’t forget 6th July CR Festival Day and the Study Afternoon on 5th. It is possible to stay overnight on the evening of 5th – information via
Defence against the Dark Arts 30 August – I September
This is an experiment in which I hope to bring out the central message of the Harry Potter series ‘It is all about love.’ This will include Bible study, passages from Rowling, CS Lewis Tolkien and of course (it is me) moving pictures. It is open to all adults but I would hope that the subject will attract some younger people so if you know anyone (18 or over) who you think would be interested please let them know about this. Information from
As I am under the weather with a cold. I think that I had better say ‘goodnight and God bless you all’
John CR