Newcastle Cathedral

Saturday 23 March 2019, 10.30am – 4.00pm

Christ is calling you!

From our place in Monastic life, we offer to the Church ‘Stations of Vocation’ that help us to respond to Christ and live our primary vocation together as Church: the praise and worship of God.

Join brothers of the Community of the Resurrection and their friends for this day of reflection, praying together and pondering the One whom we are to love and serve – Christ our Call.

To book for the day, please follow this link…

The outline timetable for the day is:

10.00am       Arrival & Coffee

10.30am       Introduction

10.45am       ‘Stations of Vocation’

11.45am        Regroup

12.00pm       Mid Day Office

12.15pm        Lunch

1.00pm         Pointers on Silence

1.15pm          Period of Silence

1.45pm         Discussion & Questions

3.00pm        Tea

3.20pm        Gather around the font

4.00pm        Close

For more information, please contact 01924 494318 or email using this link.