‘Run the straight race, through God’s good grace’
A couple of weeks ago I said that I was about to begin to raise funds for Tariro – the charity supported by Fr Nicolas for deprived and orphaned teenagers in Zimbabwe. The object of the charity is to provide safe homes, education, employment, and medical and psychological care for young people who have been orphaned, abused or abandoned. In short Tariro seeks to give hope. The more we can do to help the more we contribute to the stability of that troubled country.
Nicolas has been tireless in his efforts to raise money and support for the project, which has become a well organised and efficient organisation with a good home team in Zimbabwe, and strong trusteeship with financial and legal advice in this country.
He tells me that in January the school fees for the new academic year will be due and he will need to raise £12,000. As I will be entering into my 76th year in January I thought that this would be a good opportunity to give thanks for the life that God has given to me, for the Gospel, for family and friends, for the Community and the College of the Resurrection – Deo Gratias! Especially I want to say thanks that I am still running and so I am going to run 10k on the feast of St Timothy and Titus – 26th January. I am hoping that many people will support me in this – and in many ways. Especially I want you to pray for me. You could sponsor me or encourage your friends to sponsor me, you could run with me and get your friends to sponsor you (or you could run wherever you happen to be on the day). I shall want people to check the route to ensure that I don’t take short cuts (or faint in the sultry glebe). Whatever, but all to the glory of God!
You can donate at: https://mydonate.bt.com/fundraisers/frjohngribben10krun or send cheques made out to Tariro to Fr John Gribben at CR.
Fr John CR