Advent Quiet Day

In all the Christmas rush why not take a day out to think, to pray and to prepare for the coming of Jesus? Why not set aside the noise and confusion of Christmas preparations for a few hours and come and enjoy the silence in order to reflect on the true meaning of Christmas. During the day participants will have space for prayer in the church or grounds and opportunity for your own spiritual reading.
Saturday 14th December 2019

Fr George Guiver CR


£23.00 includes lunch and refreshments

Advent Quiet Day 14.12.2019


Quiet Garden Day

Our September Quiet Garden Day will be a celebration of the fullness and abundance of God as the long season of Ordinary Time, whose liturgical colour is green, draws to a close.  As colours change and summer gives way to autumn, this day is an invitation to reflect on the way God works in us through every season of our lives.  The 13th century abbess, Hildegard of Bingen, gave us the word ‘veriditas’ for the ‘greening power of God.’   There are alway parts of our life where something is beginning, something is flourishing, something coming to an end.  Wherever you feel you are in this cycle of life, you are invited to come and spend some time in this quiet place of prayer, immersed in the beauty and vitality of God, whose love for you and the world is forever green.


Saturday 28th September 2019

Led by Barbara Clarke, Associate CR


(including lunch and refreshments)


QGD 28.09.2019


Sacrifice and Salvation: A Quiet Day in preparation for Eastertide

Sacrifice is no longer part of our world; we find the whole idea alien and repulsive but it is fundamental to the human imagination; to the relationship between earth and heaven, between humanity and the divine. A concept woven into our worship, hymns, liturgies, and prayers, especially as we approach Good Friday and Easter. Without it, the Christian gospel of salvation is lost.. How does it help us to understand the historical fact that lies at the heart of the Christian faith, the cross of Christ? And how might it enrich our understanding of the person of Christ and the work of salvation?

Friday April 12th 2019


Revd Canon Dr Loveday Alexander

£22.00 including lunch

To book or for more details, contact:

Beth Harper, The Mirfield Centre, Stocks Bank Road, Mirfield, WF14 0BW

Tel: 01924 481920 e-mail:

Administrator: Beth Harper

Poster Sacrifice and Salvation 12.04.2019


“Arise, shine for your light has come” – listening to Isaiah in Advent

A Quiet Day focusing on the purpose of the Church’s Year with special reference to Advent and listening to the voice of Isaiah in our Advent readings.

 Saturday 8th December 2018


Bishop John Flack

£22.00 including lunch

Advent QD 08.12.2018 poster

Advent QD 08.12.2018

To book or for more details, contact:

Beth Harper, The Mirfield Centre, Stocks Bank Road, Mirfield, WF14 0BW

Tel: 01924 481920 e-mail:

Director: Revd Canon June Lawson        Administrator: Beth Harper

Quiet Day

Led by Henriette Howarth
Further details to follow


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Quiet Garden Day

This Quiet Garden Day in early summer will take it’s cue from the orchard in the surroundings of the gardens of the Community of the Resurrection, and offer a reflection on the mystery of both growing and failing with Christ.


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