As our new students begin to settle into College life, one student shares his experience of arriving at College and explains how he has settled into the routine;

‘I arrived on a grey afternoon, the famous Yorkshire silver skies were in evidence. My Mum and Dad had gone ahead by about ten minutes in the car as I was going by motorbike. All the way there it didn’t seem real that I was finally going. I had only left work the week before and even that had yet to sink in. I had been waiting to start at Mirfield for nearly a year, so it was such a relief to finally be here. The first week was a little strange as there was very little to do. I was grateful for that as it allowed me time to get used to my new surroundings. After living in the same house for eighteen years and having done the same job for eleven, I really needed that space. I knew that in the years to come I’d be kept very busy. For the returning students it must have been quite a shock for all us newcomers to suddenly arrive. There are seventeen of us, and thirteen of them! They made us feel very welcome and helped us get used to life here. Each day I thank God for the Community of the Resurrection and for the College.’

Paul Wheeler, Ordinand CoR