After a lot of consultation and a great deal of calculation we have decided to postpone the auction scheduled for 5 September 2020 until a date to be decided in 2021.
Given the imponderables created by the pandemic this seems to be a wise decision. Mirfield auctions are popular not just because they raise money, they are great social events bringing together a lot of people and I have made a lot of friends because of them. So it seems right to wait for a more congenial atmosphere rather than try to dispose of the items already collected or promised.
We would be grateful for donations so please search and see if you or your friends have anything antique, vintage or of interest that you could contibute towards the success of an event that we will hope will aid the work of the Church and the Gospel.
For further information please contact

If you are interested in viewing some of our auction items please click here to view our album.