Four Ordinands from the College of the Resurrection and another two from St Hild were delighted to be involved with the Upper Holme Valley mission week this summer. We received a warm welcome from the team in the Valley, and their seven churches were delighted to host us. Their warmth, kindness, and genuine interest in us and in the Community and Colleges based here in Mirfield was a delight.
All of the Ordinands were heavily involved in the Sunday and mid-week services, and were also responsible for preparing and leading Morning Prayer each day, which seemed to naturally take on a quiet and reflective stance, and beautifully set us up for each day ahead.
Each day was very long and very busy, as we ministered, listened to folk, and attended the many events and activities that made up the Festival of Faith. Our involvement at the events was crucial; I hadn’t realised until we arrived what a large part of the experience we would all be playing, which was an immense privilege. God was in the midst of us as we discussed and proclaimed our faith indoors, outdoors, with all ages, with faith members, with seekers, and with the person on the street. My favourite moment of the week was sitting on a bench in the town chatting about life and faith with a town centre regular and with the chap who kept the town streets clean. There was an incredible buzz to the week, and wonderful opportunities to meet people where they were.
We were very grateful to have been able to serve a group of churches in this way, and to serve the people of their community; it was an amazing week, and may God continue to bless all that may have been ignited throughout that week.
Jane Finn (CoR Ordinand)